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How the application to Cortax works

  1. Fill out the online application on our website
  2. We will call you back and answer all your questions
  3. We will prepare and send you an individual offer


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Company registration in Singapore

Singapore is an "Asian tiger", which has been one of the ten world financial centers since the end of the last century. If a business targets not only the Asian region, but the entire world, then Singapore should be considered as the best option for opening a company. This metropolis has everything you need for incredible economic growth.

It must be noted that Singapore cannot be called an offshore zone. It is a reputable and large financial center with a great reputation in the global economy. A company operating from a city-state will have a solid image for partners and contractors.

Beneficial forms of business in Singapore

Singapore inherited the English legal system with all its strengths. Private Limited Company (Ltd) is the best organizational and legal form of doing business in the city. It is noteworthy that this form of the company is equally well suited for active production and investment activities. As an alternative, you can consider the joint-stock form of the organization, but the requirements for the minimum size of the authorized capital are significantly higher in this case.

What documents are required?

Since English law is in force in the metropolis, the registration procedure requires similar certificates as in the UK. You need a basic set of documents to open a business in Singapore:

  • incorporation license;
  • charter drawn up on the basis of an agreement and information about the company's members;
  • founders' passports;
  • resolution on the appointment of a director;
  • meeting minutes;
  • application.

A business can be registered in Chinese or in English due to the multicultural nature of the city. No apostille is available in the country – a non-resident will need legalization, and Cortax can help with this. All prepared documents are submitted to the state registrar.

What you need to know about registering a company in Singapore

There are some specifics in the megalopolis that are worth remembering when registering your business:

  • no restrictions on resident status. Both individuals and legal entities can be founders;
  • register of founders is public;
  • minimum authorized capital is 1 Singapore dollar;
  • information about the beneficiaries is stored in a special register;
  • no need to open a temporary account before registering a company.

The name of the company can be in English, in Latin letters. As in most other developed legal orders, the name must be unique. Repeating the designations of third parties is not allowed.

The legal address is another obligatory requisite of any enterprise. At the same time, the mailbox address cannot be used as an official requisite for the company location – a real office is required. Contact Cortax to resolve any difficulties with finding and renting a legal address.

Following the registration results, the applicant receives the list of officially certified documents:

  • certificate of incorporation;
  • extract from the register;
  • charter;
  • share certificate;
  • meeting minutes;
  • certificate of appointing a director.

All these documents confirm the successful completion of the procedure, after which the enterprise can start full-fledged activities in the world financial center.

What taxes are paid in Singapore

Singapore is known for its lighter tax burden on businesses ¬– the city-state offers lots of incentives for foreign investment and businesses. In particular, this is manifested in the minimum of the existing taxes and their rates:

  • corporate tax. The base rate is 17%. The rate is 0% if the company profit does not exceed 100 thous. Singapore dollars;
  • VAT. Register as a VAT payer only if you conduct trade within the city. The rate will be 7% in this case;
  • mandatory contributions. The employer pays 17% to the funds;
  • contribution to the skill development fund. The rate is 0.2% on employee earnings up to 4,500 Singapore dollars;
  • no dividend tax.

Remarkably, there is no minimum wage in Singapore – the employer sets the wage level at their discretion. As such, the tax burden in the metropolis is one of the most loyal in the world. That is why business is attracted to Singapore – this city provides all the opportunities for prosperity, and Cortax recommends to consider this "Asian Tiger" as one of the main candidates for an official location.


The price for registering a company in Singapore

  • Company registration from €1,900
  • Annual renewal from €17,000
  • Annual accounting from €950
About banks

Opening a bank account for a company in Singapore

  • DBS Bank
    DBS Bank
  • HSBS Bank
    HSBS Bank


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